CULTUR€ – New Solutions for Busine$$
Come and discover new out-of-the-box solutions for your business and hear what different cultural actors can offer your company.
Culture and art not only nourish the soul: they also enable a new perspective on creative solutions to business problems. Are you looking for new customers? Cultural content brings attractiveness to new customer segments. Are your operations in need of development? Offer your work community the opportunity for new perspectives through cultural cooperation. Present your business challenge in front of an audience and stay to hear solution proposals from people who will likely see it with fresh eyes.
As the cherry on top, we offer a front-row seat to the rapidly approaching European Capital of Culture year 2026, and how your company can stand out amidst the hustle and bustle.
Place: Technopolis Oulu city centre, space: Reykjavik, 5th floor
Time: 7.5.2025 klo 16:00-19:30
CULTUR€ – New Solutions For Busine$$ is not just an event – it is the forefront of a future collaborative ecosystem.