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Wednesday, 26th of February 2025
Arctic Metaverse – Rails Ahead
16:00-18:00 at Technopolis Ydinkeskusta, Sepänkatu 20, Oulu
Organizers: The City of Oulu, The University of Oulu, Metaverse Finland Ecosystem (MEFI) and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences - Ouluversum project ERDF
Take a brief look at growing metaverse scene in Finland and Oulu region including national, regional and industrial metaverse perspective. Possibility to try different metaverse pilots and demos in the venue.
16-16:30 Metaverse demos are open
16:30-17:30 Arctic Metaverse seminar, more detailed program to follow
MEFI and Finnish Metaverse Strategy Next Steps
Nokia Metaverse “Veturi” program (TBC)
Ouluverse projects and future events
17:30-17:45 Metaverse demos are open and closing the event