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Tervetuloa Lean-Yhdistyksen kirjakauppaan!

Nyt voit tilata lean-aiheisia kirjoja kätevästi suoraan kotiisi.

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irjatilaukset toimitetaan Ärrä-paketteina, joihin tarvitaan ilmoitusta varten kirjan/ kirjojen vastaanottajan matkapuhelinnumero.



P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Lean - muuta poikkeamat menestykseksi!

Länsimainen näkökulma lean-filosofiaan ja lean-kulttuurin luomiseen.

Teos kertoo, mitä työntekijöiltä ja esimiehiltä vaaditaan, jotta lean-työskentelyllä saavutetaan halutut tulokset, miten luodaan edellytykset havaita ja poistaa hukkaa. Lisäksi kirjasta selviää muun muassa mitä tarkoitetaan virtaustehokkuudella ja miten se eroaa resurssitehokkuudesta, kuinka tehokkaita virtauksia luodaan ja miten luodaan toimivat tavoitteet ja kuinka niitä mitataan.

Kirjassa on lukuisia esimerkkejä ja havainnekuvia eri toimialoilta. Kirjoittajat rikastavat kuvaa lean-ajattelusta esittelemällä myös tuotantoteollisuuden ulkopuolisia ratkaisuja. 

Teos on ennen kaikkea oppikirja. Se auttaa organisaatioita ymmärtämään leanin taustalla vaikuttavia ajatuksia, sillä ne ovat edellytys lean-investoinnin menestymiselle. Ymmärrystä tarvitaan myös siihen, että opitaan valitsemaan oikeat, organisaatiolle soveltuvat kehittämistoimenpiteet.

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%


P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Johtajuus - tee leanista menestys!

Teos kertoo käytännönlähteisesti ja konkreettisesti,
mitä vaaditaan organisaation johtamiseksi kohti leania.

Tarkoituksena on saada lukijat ymmärtämään, kuinka esimiehet ovat avainasemassa. Esimiehillä täytyy olla ymmärrys leanista. Tämän lisäksi heidän täytyy käytännössä onnistua vakiinnuttamaan lean osaksi yrityksen toimintakulttuuria. Vain aito muutos kulttuurissa mahdollistaa tuloskehityksen.

Teos sisältää lyhyen kuvauksen leanista sekä kartoittaa johtajuuden eri osa-alueita aina organisatorisista edellytyksistä henkilökohtaisiin johtajaominaisuuksiin saakka.

Lisäksi teoksessa kuvataan menetelmiä, jotka antavat johtajuudelle rakennetta ja tukevat henkilöstön kehittämistä työtapana. 

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)


P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Työntekijän opas menestykseen - kehitä leanin avulla!

Helppolukuinen opas Leanin keskeisistä kohdista.

Teos tarjoaa selkeällä tavalla lean-osaamista kaikille organisaatiossa työskenteleville. Kirja kuvaa konkreettisesti erityisesti jatkuvaa parantamista ja standardisointia. Nämä Leanin osa-alueet koskevat kaikkia ja luovat pohjan menestykselliselle lean-kulttuurille.

Kirja toimii tukena esimiehille, kun he valmentavat alaisiaan. Jokaisessa luvussa on kysymysosio, jota voidaan käyttää yhdistämään kirjan sanoma omaan
toimintaan. Lisäksi kirja antaa erinomaisen perustan oman toiminnan konkreettisille ja käytännönläheisille lean-koulutuksille.

Teos kuvaa koko lean-tien arvoista tuloksiin. Kirjassa syvennytään sekä työntekijöitä että esimiehiä ja johtajia koskeviin periaatteisiin.

Teoksessa kuvataan ajattelumalli, joka parhaiten edesauttaa lean-kulttuurin syntymistä organisaatioon. Kirjasssa esitettyjä periaatteita voidaan käyttää myös kehityskeskusteluiden pohjana. 

Hinta 27 € + alv 14%


Michael Althoff, Yellotoos - Lean Management 2024 -seminaarin keynote

The Lean Deal –   What's in it for me 
(kirja englanniksi, kuva saksankielisestä kannesta)

Maailma ei todellakaan tarvitse taas yhtä ”LEAN-selityskirjaa”, joka sisältää hankalia termejä, kuivaa teoriaa ja karkeaa menestysreseptiä.
Tavallisissa kirjoissa on yleensä kyse voittojen optimoinnista, tehokkuuden lisäämisestä ja yritysten auttamisesta pärjäämään kyseisillä markkinoilla. Motivaationi tähän kirjaan on kuitenkin pikemminkin se, mitä näissä nokkelissa teoksissa EI käsitellä ... nimittäin IHMISET näiden kaavojen, grafiikoiden ja nokkelien prosessinäkemysten takana tai ENNEN niitä.
Mitä se tekee meille, miten me yksilöinä hyödymme siitä, miksi meidän pitäisi ylipäätään muuttaa mitään ja kuinka paljon energiaa meidän on investoitava siihen?

Hinta 20 € + alv 14%) ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys

Dantar P. Oosterwal

The Lean Machine –  l How Harley-Davidson drove top-line growth and profitability with revolutionary Lean Product Development

2017 Shingo Prize for Literature Some things never change. Harley-Davidson is still the great, iconic American motorcycle. But like many storied companies, Harley has had to evolve to stay on top, even to stay in existence. From near-extinction in the early eighties, it has risen to worldwide recognition for management excellence and innovation. The Lean Machine is an inside look at how Harley-Davidson was able to adapt in an ever-changing world and accelerate product development. Rooted in Japanese productivity improvement techniques, Knowledge-Based Product Development helped fuel Harley’s incredible period of sustained growth

Poistokirja: Hinta 30 € + alv 14%)


Managing to Learn

 John Shook

Managing to Learn –  Using the A3 management process to solve problems, gain agreement, mentor and Lead

Ongelmanratkaisutaito on tutkitusti tulevaisuuden yksi kolmesta tärkeimmästä työelämätaidosta. A3-ongelmanratkaisumetodilla liiketoiminnan ongelmat on ratkaistavissa. A3 on myös viestinnän työkalu. Kirja kuljettaa lukijaa kahdella tasolla. Ongelmanratkaisijan ja ongelmanratkaisijan mentorin näkökulmista. Kirjasta saa joka lukukerralla uusia oivalluksia. Managing to Learn kuuluu Lean Global Networkin suunnittelemaan ja Lean-yhdistyksenkin pitämään Lean Practitioner Programin pakolliseen lukemistoon.

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)

Learning to see

Mike Rother • John Shook

Learning to See –  value-stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda

Much more important, these simple maps - often drawn on scrap paper - showed where steps could be eliminated, flows smoothed, and pull systems introduced in order to create a truly lean value stream for each product family.

In 1998 John teamed with Mike Rother of the University of Michigan to write down Toyota's mapping methodology for the first time in Learning to See. This simple tool makes it possible for you to see through the clutter of a complex plant. You'll soon be able to identify all of the processing steps along the path from raw materials to finished goods for each product and all of the information flows going back from the customer through the plant and upstream to suppliers. With this knowledge in hand it is much easier to envision a "future state" for each product family in which wasteful actions are eliminated and production can be pulled smoothly ahead by the customer.

In plain language and with detailed drawings, this workbook explains everything you will need to know to create accurate current-state and future- state maps for each of your product families and then to turn the current state into the future state rapidly and sustainably.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)

Art Smalley

Ceating Level Pull –   Lean Production-System Improvement Guide for Production-Control, Operations, and Engineering Professionals (Lean Tool Kit)

Creating Level Pull shows you how to advance a lean manufacturing transformation from a focus on isolated improvements to improving the entire plant-wide production system by implementing a lean production control system. Lean efforts at most companies focus on point kaizen (e.g., reducing set up times, implementing 5S, etc.) that improves a small portion of the value stream running from raw materials to finished products. Or they focus on flow kaizen that improves the entire value stream for one product family. Creating Level Pull shows how companies can make the leap to system kaizen by introducing a lean production control system that ties together the flows of information and materials supporting every product family in a facility. With this system in place, each production activity requests precisely the materials it needs from the previous activity, and demand from the customer is leveled to smooth production activities throughout the plant. Creating Level Pull is written in plain English and walks you through the implementation process using a clear question-and-answer format, supported by diagrams, value-stream maps, and key formulas. Using a realistic example facility, the author shows you how to make the transition to a robust pull system.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)

Jeff Thompson MD 

Lead True –  live your values, build your people, inspire your community

We all face countless decisions throughout our careers. The specific circumstances that call us to lead will be different, but the core dilemmas and ethical challenges are very similar. Faced with these challenges, each of us must decide if we will follow our ego-centered inclinations or lead for the good of everyone whose lives we touch? Will we endanger or impair those around us to satisfy our own self-interest, or will we lead in a manner that is true to our values?ikäli mielii selvitä terveydenhuoltoalaa kohtaavista suurista haasteista voittajana.

POISTOKIRJA: Hinta 15 € + alv 14%)

John Toussaint MD

Management on the Mend –  l The Healthcare executive Guide to System Transformation

Five years after his debut book, On the Mend, showed how a large, cradle-to-grave health system revolutionized the way care is delivered, Dr. John Toussaint returns with news for healthcare leaders. There is a clear framework for success for such a transformation. And senior leaders need to be far more intimately involved.

While studying and assisting hundreds of organizations transitioning to lean healthcare, Dr. Toussaint witnessed many flaws and triumphs. Those organizations that win creating better value for patients while removing waste in the system have senior managers that lead by example at the frontline of care. The best health systems have also discovered ways to engage everyone in solving problems and embracing change.

POISTOKIRJA: Hinta 20 € + alv 14%)

Michael Ballé  Nicolas Chartier  Guillaume Paoli  Régis Medina

Raise the Bar –  Zero to 1 Billion: Combining Lean and Digital for People-Centric, Sustainable Growth

Live the journey of a tech start-up grown to a hypergrowth company through the eyes of its founders as they learn that “the magic of digital is the magic of the Wizard of Oz: there is machinery behind the curtain.” To deliver on the promise to customers of a seamless purchase of new and preowned cars, they turn to lean and develop the problem-solving capability of each team member.” — Jeffrey K. Liker, author of The Toyota Way series.

From zero to 1 billion! See how Aramis Group founders integrated lean and digital to fuel rapid growth by developing employees.

This blow-by-blow account of learning at the workplace reveals how relentless focus on solving customers’ problems, encouraging teamwork across silos, and using lean principles and tools to visualize learning opportunities paved a path to enduring success.

POISTOKIRJA: Hinta 15 € + alv 14%), ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys

Christoph Roser

All about Pull Production –  Designing, Implementing, and Maintaining Kanban, CONWIP, and other Pull Systems in Lean Production

All About Pull Production is a practical guide for anyone looking to implement pull systems. It focuses on practical application and values functionality over theory, albeit it explains the underlying relations. It is not a high-level philosophical discussion of lean, but a book to help you roll up your sleeves and get the job done. It is written for the practitioner. If you are working in production or logistics and want to implement pull, then this book is for you. It also serves as a useful reference for students and researchers of lean manufacturing. With a foreword by John Shook. The book has received the prestigious Shingo Publication Award on October 2022.

POISTOKIRJA: Hinta 25 € + alv 14%)

Bengt Savén

The Leader's ladder –  Five steps to braver leadership with structure and tough

Based on a rare combination of diverse academic and leader experiences, Bengt Savén has succeeded in creating a model that, in a unique way, covers everything from essential leadership values to very tangible tools for your everyday leadership. The author invites you on a journey that can take you from being a traditional manager to a leader whom others willingly follow.
Bengt on usein Suomessakin vieraillut Lean-osaaja ja Lean Management-seminaarissa 2023 kuultu Ruotsin Lean-palkinnon voittanut Orbit One on rakentanut Lean-matkaansa juuri tämän kirjan pohjalta.

POISTOKIRJA: Hinta 20 € + alv 14%)

Rick Harris  Mike Rother

Creating Continuous –  Five steps to braver leadership with structure and tough

This workbook explains in simple, step-by-step terms how to introduce and sustain lean flows of material and information in pacemaker cells and lines, a prerequisite for achieving a lean value stream.

A sight we frequently encounter when touring plants is the relocation of processing steps from departments (process villages) to product-family work cells, but too often these “cells” produce only intermittent and erratic flow. Output gyrates from hour to hour and small piles of inventory accumulate between each operation so that few of the benefits of cellularization are actually being realized; and, if the cell is located upstream from the pacemaker process, none of the benefits may ever reach the customer.

This sequel to Learning to See (which focused on plant level operations) provides simple step-by-step instructions for eliminating waste and creating continuous flow at the process level.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)

Robert Martichenko  Kevin von Grabe

Building a Lean Fullfillment Stream –  Rethinking your Supply Chain and Logistics to Create Maximum Value at Minimum Total Cost

This workbook explains step-by-step a comprehensive, real-life implementation process for optimizing your entire fulfillment stream from raw materials to customers, including practical insights into two critical concepts: calculating the total cost of fulfillment and collaborating across all functions and firms along the fulfillment stream.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%) (loppuunmyyty)

Chris Harris  Rick Harris  Earl Wilson

Making Materials Flow –  a Lean Material-handling guide for operations, production-control, and engineering professionals

Making Materials Flow describes in plain language another step in implementing a complete lean business system by explaining how to supply purchased parts to the value stream in order to support continuous flow.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)

Mike Rother  John Shook

Value-Stream Mapping Workshop –  Participant Guide

We’ve developed the contents of this Value-Stream Mapping Workshop Participant Guide to enhance learning. The structure of the modules in the guide matches the learning structure used in the Training to See Kit. The page design includes space for note taking, working on an operator balance chart, and drawing both current and future state value-stream maps along with the instructor..

Hinta 20 € + alv 14%) ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys

Kevin J. Duggan

Creating Mixed Model Value Streams –  Particical Lean Techniques for Building to Demand

Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessor, Kevin J. Duggan, an executive mentor and recognized authority on Lean and Operational Excellence, draws on more than 10 years of experience and learning to provide Creating Mixed Model Value Streams, Second Edition. This second edition takes a step-by-step approach to implementing Lean in complex environments and describes which Lean techniques to use when faced with difficult situations―including high product mix, scheduling problems, shared resources, and unstable customer demand.

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)

P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Lean Making Deviations into Success 

The book explains what is required of employees and managers to achieve the desired results through lean working, how to create the conditions to identify and eliminate waste. The book also explains what is meant by flow efficiency and how it differs from resource efficiency, how to create efficient flows and how to create effective targets and how to measure them.
The book contains numerous examples and illustrations from different industries. The authors enrich the picture of lean thinking by also presenting solutions outside the manufacturing industry. 
Above all, the book is a textbook. It helps organisations to understand the ideas behind lean as a prerequisite for successful lean investment. Understanding is also needed to learn how to choose the right development measures for the organisation.


Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)


P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Lean Employees Guide to Success 

An easy-to-read guide to the key points of Lean.
It provides a clear understanding of lean for everyone working in an organisation. In particular, the book gives concrete examples of continuous improvement and standardisation. These aspects of Lean apply to everyone and lay the foundations for a successful lean culture.
The book will support managers in coaching their subordinates. Each chapter has a question section that can be used to connect the message of the book with your own
to your own actions. In addition, the book provides an excellent basis for concrete and practical lean training for your own operations.
The book describes the whole lean journey from values to results. The book delves into the principles that apply to employees, supervisors and managers alike.
The book describes the mindset that best contributes to the emergence of a lean culture in an organisation. The principles set out in the book can also be used as a basis for development discussions. 
Translated with (free version)

Hinta 27 € + alv 14%)


P. Petersson B. Olsson T. Lundström O. Johansson M. Broman D. Blücher H. Alsterman

Leadership - Making Lean a success

The book is practical and concrete,
what it takes to lead an organisation towards lean.
The aim is to make readers understand how managers play a key role. Managers must have an understanding of lean. In addition, they need to be able to embed lean in the culture of the organisation in practice. Only a genuine change in culture will enable performance improvement.
The book provides a brief description of lean and maps out the different aspects of leadership, from organisational requirements to personal leadership qualities.
It also describes the methods that give structure to leadership and support the development of people as a way of working
rovides a clear understanding of lean for everyone working in an organisation. In particular, the book gives concrete examples of continuous improvement and standardisation. These aspects of Lean apply to everyone and lay the foundations for a successful lean culture.
The book will support managers in coaching their subordinates. Each chapter has a question section that can be used to connect the message of the book with your own
to your own actions. In addition, the book provides an excellent basis for concrete and practical lean training for your own operations.
The book describes the whole lean journey from values to results. The book delves into the principles that apply to employees, supervisors and managers alike.
The book describes the mindset that best contributes to the emergence of a lean culture in an organisation. The principles set out in the book can also be used as a basis for development discussions. 

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)


Juan Antonio Tena  Emi Castro

The Lean Bakery

Food should be fresh. Yet we produce it in big batches. If fast-moving, small batch, one-piece flow can work with car parts, why can’t it work for our most important consumable—food. Read this fascinating story of a bakery and chain of shops that used lean thinking and practice in Barcelona, and be prepared to run your own experiments.

Hinta 20 € + alv 14%)


Lean Enterprise Institute 

Lean Lexicon

The fifth edition of the Lexicon, first published in January 2003, is 140 pages, containing 60+ illustrations and 207 key terms from A3 Report to Yokoten. The Lexicon already covers such key lean enterprise terms as jidoka, kanban, kaizen, lean consumption, lean production, lean enterprise, pull production, standardized work, takt time, Toyota Production System, and value-stream mapping. It also has a simple, one-page guide to pronouncing Japanese terms.

Hinta 30 € + alv 14%)


Art Smalley 

Four types of problems

When faced with a problem, many business leaders and teams mechanically reach for a familiar problem-solving methodology. The problem is that the methods are often mismatched with the problem, creating unnecessary struggle, frustration, delay, and ineffectiveness in solving the problem — if it is ever solved at all.

In Four Types of Problems: from reactive troubleshooting to creative innovation veteran lean management practitioner Art Smalley, explains why settling on a favorite problem-solving technique or two is a mistake. He shows that most business problems fall into four main categories, each requiring different thought processes, management cadences, and improvement methods.

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)


Toshiko Narusawa  John Shook 

Kaizen Express

Kaizen Express is a concise but precise illustrated guide to the fundamentals of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and how to implement them. It is ideal for individuals or teams starting a lean transformation or in need of a quick refresher on the fundamental concepts of lean manufacturing.

Hinta 40 € + alv 14%)


Jeffrey Liker James Morgan PhD 

Designing the Future

Today’s elite companies know that the ability to consistently create successful new products and services is their most powerful competitive advantage. In addition to providing a robust new development framework, Designing the Future shares real-world examples from a diverse set of industries including aerospace, energy, software, automotive, healthcare, heavy equipment, and more.

Hinta 20 € + alv 14%), ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys


Pascal Dennis 

Getting the right things done

For companies to be competitive, leaders must engage people at all levels in order to focus their energy and enable them to apply lean principles to everything they do. Strategy deployment, called hoshin kanri by Toyota, has proven to be the most effective process for meeting this ongoing challenge. In this book Pascal Dennis outlines the nuts and bolts of strategy deployment.

Hinta 60 € + alv 14%)


Allen C. Ward Durward K. Sobeg II

Lean Product and Process Development

In the truly groundbreaking first edition of Lean Product and Process Development, Allen Ward showed the way. He delivered—with passion and penetrating insights that cannot be found elsewhere—a comprehensive view of lean principles for developing and sustaining product and process development.

In this second edition, Durward Sobek, professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Montana State University—and one of Ward’s premier students—edits and reorganizes the original text to make it more accessible and actionable.

Hinta 80 € + alv 14%) ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys


Robert O. Martichenko 

Everything I know about Lean I learned in first grade

Everything I Know About Lean I Learned in First Grade is a quick, fun introduction to lean principles. The book connects common lean tools and principles to the broader lean journey, shows how to identify and eliminate waste, and aids the reader in seeing lean for what it truly is: a way to create a learning and problem-solving culture.

Hinta 20 € + alv 14%) ei varastossa, isompien erien yhtydessä, ota yhteys


Naida Grunden  Charles Hagood 

Lean led Hospital Design

Instead of building new hospitals that import old systems and problems, the time has come to reexamine many of our ideas about what a hospital should be. Can a building foster continuous improvement? How can we design it to be flexible and useful well into the future? How can we do more with less?Winner of a 2013 Shingo Prize for Operational Excell

Hinta 70 € + alv 14%)


JAnders Melander

Hoshin Kanri - innovativ ledning af strategiarbetete

Detta är en bok för dig som arbetar med eller är intresserad av strategiskt arbete. Till skillnad från traditionella böcker om strategisk planering, där analysen är i fokus, handlar denna bok om hur man ska systematisera strategiprocessen, det strategiska arbetet. Författarna tar sin utgångspunkt i Hoshin Kanri, ett inkluderande och transparent arbetssätt som skapar engagemang och organisatorisk innovativitet. Hoshin Kanri skapades på Toyota och är nära besläktat med lean management. Nu sprider det sig (sakta) över världen.

Hinta 10 € + alv 14%)