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The importance of networking in job searching

The importance of networking in job searching 

Tue 29.10.2024 at 17-18 in Teams

This course is for anyone who wishes to work in Finland – especially in white-collar jobs, where the role of networking may play a major part in recruitment.

The aim of this course is to improve your networking skills and learn to adjust them to Finnish job market.

We usually have more networking opportunities than we realize. On this course you will learn to recognise, where you could successfully make new contacts and keep them active for future needs. You will get useful tips on how to approach interesting people – especially in Finnish intercourse. You will also learn how to make good use of your network, when seeking to find new job opportunities.

Keynote speakers of this webinar are training specialists Leena Könkkölä and Inka Ukkola from TJS Opintokeskus. They have organised a wide range of trainings for job seekers.  

Target group

Webinar is open to all the members of Akava affiliates, including YKA.


TJS study centre


More information

Meri Tennilä
Expert, Capacity Building and Career Services